Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Advent Tuesday, December 9th

I was talking with a friend at a basketball game last night. She and I were commiserating that we have not bought one Christmas gift yet. I just can't seem to get into it this year. So as I was watching tv last night and they mentioned that there are only 17 days left, I felt a panicky feeling go through me. I know these upcoming days will be filled before I know it. My prayer is that I keep in tune with God's heart as I move forward. I want to see him in the everyday. I long for new meaning.

"Advent is about waiting and wanting. All of the Advent people are waiting - Zechariah and Elizabeth are waiting, Mary and Joseph are waiting, Simeon and Anna are waiting. We are invited to wait, to want. We are invited to get in touch with our longing for someone or something to come along and bring new meaning into our lives.

Jesus, God made man, was born in ordinary surroundings so there is no need to look for the extraordinary, the spectacular or the miraculous during Advent. God can be found where we live; in our kitchens, at our tables, in our places of work, in each others' faces. There was no prior publicity regarding his coming, no expensive advertising, no claim to privilege, just a silent, humble entry. Jesus' coming into any life will be similar. Be ready to be surprised. We tend to look for Jesus everywhere, except in the place where the incarnation took place: our flesh. Incarnation means, taking flesh, and by taking flesh, Christ crawled into ordinary life and invites us to meet Him there."

Advent Action: The letters to the early church are so encouraging. Take some time to send a letter to a friend who could benefit from your encouraging words.

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