Friday, October 24, 2008

I am a TERRIBLE Relaxer

Did you ever feel like you simply couldn't get off the couch? Like a couple days of your life had sucked the lifeblood out of you? That's kind of how I feel today. I've had a couple of super-busy days filled with both good and challenging things. Today has been a day of rest and I have made the most of it - if by made the most of it you mean tried to rest and sit around a lot. When Steve got home from work, I told him I successfully did almost nothing this entire day. He said that's what most people call 'Sunday'.

You know what, I'm not good at relaxing. I need it; I know I do. I see the signs: My girls have to repeat themselves over and over for me to catch what they said...I am irritable...I have an inability to make healthy choices...I zone out...I'm tired even when I've had enough sleep...

I am seeing today the genius in God's design of rhythm and sabbath. I am trying to discover how to make the most of it. However, all day long I have swung between guilt in feeling like I should be doing something and a complete lack of energy. Why is it that I struggle with rest? I am trying too hard to please people that I have forgotten how to please God in this area? I want to learn how to redeem rest in my own life. I do not believe in a dualistic view of life and spirituality and yet...

I wonder what all it takes to worship God through rest. Planning for it and taking regular time for it. Realizing that sometimes extra-sabbath is required. What else? How can I learn to offer God my relaxation (or any aspect of pleasure, for that matter)?


Scott Couchenour said...

Vic - it may help to view rest in a different light. Instead of thinking "I rest from my work" consider "I work from my rest". I am trying to live this way. I've found that it puts a sense of investment to the whole issue of rest. If I invest in resting, I am better able to serve from that rest. Without rest, I begin to break down... ultimately unable to do the work to which God has called me.

Make sense?

benjaminyost said...

Vic, I just want to say, 'me too'.

Chel said...


Sam said...

Vic, I'm reading a book called "The Good Life" by Scott & Helen Nearing. It's the bible for those striving to live a self-sufficient lifestyle. In the book, the Nearings break their days into two and then into three (to match the sunlight cycles of 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of night.) The three sections of the day can be done in any order you choose but must all be done.

One of the three was four hours of bread work; things you must do to make a living or "earn your bread". This was the labor intensive part of the day. One of the other 4 hour sections was for pursuing something or somethings that make you happy; the arts, painting, playing music, or reading a book. (I can't remember the third, I just started reading it.)

A bit odd, sure; and maybe not possible in 2008, but interesting to think about. Everday I spend 12 hours at work I think about how much happier I'd be if 4 of those hours I could read. What a thought, huh?