Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lent Begins Next Week

Having not grown up observing Lent, for most years the time has passed me right by. Last year I think I started thinking about it half way into the season and was bummed to not have incorporated it into my journey at the start.

This year I want things to be different. I'm not sure exactly what God is calling me to, but I am open and listening. I ran across some information that was helpful on Coffee Klatch.

Also, if you're looking for some kind of guide through Lent, you may want to check out "A Journey Into Wholeness," by Christine Sine. The easiest way to view the slide show is to click on slideshare icon and then click on full.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Back up on the Horse...

It's been well over a month since I posted in this little box. I've tried a couple times, but my mind, heart and fingers didn't all seem on the same page. Even today I find that questions swirl around...

We are called to lay down our lives for one another. Jesus was the model. There doesn't seem to be room in the kingdom for the surface relationships/acquaintances most Americans experience. So...

Why is it that we can't count on a system to care for the relational needs of individuals? Is it because some of the most meaningful friendships happen seemingly by accident?

What does Jesus desire to see in our relationships? How do we create an environment in North American churches that allow community to happen as Jesus desires?

Can true community exist in a world run by consumerism?

How should hospitality to the outcast be integrated into relationship building? How can we regularly break out of comfort zones?

My questions go on and on, as I'm sure your's do...What are your relational musings and questions?

One thing I know for sure, the answers are rooted in the person, the life, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let's ride the ride together...